Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pull Of The D.O.G.'s

photo;shandra beri 

Reasons To Have Another Dog In My Life;  being forced to play at the end of everyday no matter how shredded my human form is. Feeling surprised that even through the fog of my bitter exhaustion I still have the ability to smile back at someone being goofy just for me. Experiencing the contagious excitement cued by pre-dinner canine toe-tapping. Planning an endless succession of weekend dog-friendly road trips (out of guilt for long hours away at work) that in the end wind up actually renewing me. The illusion of safety (wild barking that would only ever lead to being licked to death if you actually hopped the fence- but still...FELT safe) and of course the overwhelming feeling that All Is Right In The World when the lion's share of your bed is being taken up by a content, deeply sleeping/snoring 4-legged friend (who happens to admire you more than you can ever deserve...).

The list of Reasons Why NOT To Have Another Dog is short; the responsibility. For me, there is a feeling of luxury attached to being totally unencumbered. I enjoy being able to change my mind on a dime and do...whatever without a thought given to anyone/thing other than my epicurean desires. This awareness has blunted the longing that tugs from time to time and keeps me from acting upon my periodic impulse to search out a new tail wagging buddy.
